Adding Scale
Enterprise Reporting PlatformAfter taking over the Client Facing Applications team in 2007, Varun was responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the Views Portfolio Reporting (VPR) platform. During 2007 and 2008, application growth increase by a factor of 500%. This added usage resulted in longer running reports and massive contention at peak periods. In order to maintain the application response time and meet client Service Level Agreements, Varun initiated a scalability program that included Application Tuning, Database Restructuring and Horizontal Scaling via adding hardware.
By upgrading to IBM's P6 series of chips in dual 48-way P595 frames, and extensive application re-writes, report run-times were reduced and 99% of all reports executed within 2 minutes. A continuous monitoring vs. SLA agent was also introduced as part of the metric gathering and reporting process.
Institutional Transaction Initiation PlatformCorporate Institutions rely on mass uploads of Trades that must execute before market cut-offs. During 2008, the volume increase of market activity as a result of market volatility resulted in 15-18x increases of trading volume during the 60 minute window prior to these cut-off's. In order to ensure that client instructions were routed to core Securities Movement and Control systems as well as executed with the appropriate depositories for cash movements, Varun led the application upgrade of the Transaction Initiation (TI) application. This included a complete re-write of the front end, to help end-clients with usability as well as back-end messaging/MQ connectors to streamline and expedite transaction processing speed. By integrating with the bank standard global Instruction Management Gateway, TI is now able to process upwards of 10,000 transactions per hour.